A Very Special Dapper Snapper
Now, normally I wouldn’t click on links because I don’t have a lot of time. I’m so easily distracted that I literally have 19 tabs open in 2 different browsers. I even downloaded a third browser “just in case”. Anyway, back to the point…
It seemed like an interesting post, but it didn’t make much sense to me. Why was she losing her hair? Well, then of course I had to snoop around. I don’t know if you can actually “snoop” on a blog, since it’s posted there for the world to read.
The chemo post (http://organizeinstyle.typepad.com/biggirlpanties/2010/04/a-day-in-the-life-of-chemo.html) seemed so surreal, but she really took all the scare out of it. Although I truly hope to never have to endure it. And then I scrolled up to the top link: The Details (http://organizeinstyle.typepad.com/biggirlpanties/the-details.html). How is it possible that I could have had so many misconceptions about Breast Cancer? The next thing that struck me was that Krista must be the strongest woman I know. It takes incredible strength and determination to look at this monster and decide to put her “Big Girl Panties On” and fight.
She doesn’t know that she’s one of the many reasons for this month’s fundraiser, but she is the inspiration for it. Another reason is that it is May, when we spend the first half or so of the month trying to figure out what we want to do for our moms. But probably the biggest reason is that I miss my mom so much. I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer just after my 13th birthday, when a girl needs her mom the most. I suppose right now is when I need her the most really. My kids, Super Dude (5) and the Bug (3) are growing up so fast. All the things she’s already missed out on and all the things to come. It’s mother’s day, and all I really want to do is have her here with me. My heart aches…
Cancer is a bastard. I hate it. I know they can’t do much about pancreatic cancer because by the time symptoms show up it’s already too late. I think that Patrick Swayze did an admirable job of trying to fight it. But breast cancer, that they can fight…and win. I found out that breast cancer strikes hundreds of thousands of women each year (and yes, even some men), and that women young and old, rich and poor, with and without children, whether or not they breastfed, get diagnosed with it. It’s the number one cancer that women get.
So with that, in honor of Krista, my mom, all our mothers, our sisters, our friends, I’ve made a special Breast Cancer Dapper Snapper for sale on our Toddler Tech USA (http://cazellainnov702.corecommerce.com/Fundraising-c11/) web store. For each of these special Dapper Snappers sold during the month of May, $5 will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. These Breast Cancer Dapper Snappers have Pink bands with Ribbon embossed Frosted Copper caps and Silver components.

Pssst! Did you know that women have been using Dapper Snappers on their own pants? They wear them on their sides to help close that obnoxious gap in the back of their pants. So they’re not just for toddlers anymore!
So help make a difference with me. Buy a Breast Cancer Dapper Snapper.
PS. While I was writing this, 2 other twitter friends tweeted these:
Genuine (@Genuine)

FireMom (@FireMom)

We've got to fight back!